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Coding Interview Procedure

  1. Read the coding problem
  2. Clarify the problem 
    1. like if the input is valid  
    2. could be empty pointer 
    3. corner case
  3. Think out the idea. 
    1. If cannot, talk with interviewer with your thought 
  4. Talk out your ideas. 
    1. If come up with multiple ideas, talk all of them and compare the difference. Do not wait for interviewer ask you if you know something 
    2. Do the time complexity and space complexity analyze
  5. Write the code
    1. When dealing with some details like index of the array whether needed plus 1 or -1, do not try to first write something then modify it. Correct it at the first time
    2. Communicate with interviewer but do not suspend writing
  6. Write test case
    1. Do not write some test case without any thinking
    2. Normal case and corner case
  7. Hope can have any follow up questions

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