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C++ vs Java                                       

1.Java runs in a virtual machine2.C++ natively supports unsigned arithmetic

      Either signed int or unsigned int, it is a sequence of binary bits in the memory. The difference is how software gives it semantic meaning. In C++ a binary sequence can be treat as a signed int or unsigned int. But Java can only treat it as signed int. Thus if you want to use unsigned int and related operation, Java will automatically use unsigned long to guarantee the range of value. 
3   In Java, parameters are always passed by value (or, with objects, their references are passed by value) In C++, parameters can be passed by value, pointer, or by reference
C++ doesn't give a strict requirement on how to implement reference. Compiler usually implements reference by using a pointer const. But whether they are identical internally, they are totally different usage. 1. Pointer can point to some else but reference cannot change once it has been binding with something.2. A reference must be binding with something when it is declared. A pointer can point to null but reference can not.3. Reference doesn't have algorithm operations like int *p ++

4   Java has built-in garbage collection5   C++ allows operator overloading

TODO: why doesn't Java support operator overloading?
6   C++ allows multiple inheritance of classes


 13.2  Compare Hash table vs an STL map   

The first in mind difference is STL map is implemented in Binary Search Tree that each operation runs in O(logn). However unordered_map is implemented in actual hash.
 The trade off for larger time complexity is STL map maintains the order in the mean time. That means it support operations related to the 
1. find min/max 2. print the elements in sorted 3. find the exact or the most closed (STL::map::lower_bound, find the first equal or bigger; STL::map::upper_bound, find the first 
 The implementation of a hash 
1. a good hash function to ensure uniform 2. a collision resolving 3. dynamically increase or decrease table size


13.3 Virtual functions in C++?                 
 Virtual functions is a very important part in C++ to represent Polymorphism. Let's talk about Virtual function first then step further to Polymorphism.
  • What's virtual function
The class function defined with virtual keyword is a virtual function. The difference between a virtual function and a normal class function is : 
if a function is defined as 'virtual' in the base class, the most derived class's implementation of function is called according to the actual type of the object referred to, regardless of the declared type of pointer or reference.

The result of program would be "Derived" rather then "Base".

  • Static binding & Dynamic binding
In static binding compiler will know each function's address(offset) at compile time. In dynamic binding, compiler can know the exact function called only during the run time. Thus need a additional structure to store this information called vtable for each class.

  • Insight of Virtual Function implementation
    • Each class X will have an virtual table for each base class which X derives from (C++ is multiple inheritance language).
    • Each object of class X will have a vptr variable pointing to the first virtual table of class X.
    • If a virtual function is not overridden by the derived class, the vtable of the derived class stores the address of the function in his parent class.
    • When a virtual function is called, the virtual table got by vptr is used to resolve the address function.
The vptr is usually stored at the very first position in a object. vptr is a pointer which points to the first virtual table. Within each virtual table, the pointer to virtual functions are stored. Consider the following program.

    • Because there are two vptr in the derived class, thus the size of derived class is 8 bytes (each pointer has 4 bytes in 32 bit system).
    • Explicit convert the vptr to a int pointer. We will find out the address of first virtual table.
    • Add 1 to the address of first virtual table, we will get the address of second virtual table.
    • Refer to the address of second virtual table, and plus 1 then we will get the address of second virtual function in the second virtual table
    • Use a function pointer then we can call this virtual function manually. Looks cool aha.

  • Trade-off of the virtual function
It takes more memory space because each class also needs to store a virtual table and each instance of the class needs to store a pointer to the virtual table. Also the function address is not know during the compile time rather it is known during the run-time which calculation is needed because it will first find the pointer to virtual table and then use the offset to find out the address of the virtual function.
  • Pure Virtual Function & Abstract Class
A pure virtual function is a virtual function whose deceleration is ended as '=0'. A pure virtual function makes its class as a abstract class which can not be instantiated until all the pure virtual function has been implemented.
  • Object Oriented Language
 Modern OO Language provides three capacities
    • Encapsulation
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism 
  • Polymorphism in Programming Language
In programming language 'polymorphism' means some code or operations behave differently in different contexts. Things like Template, overloading, overriding and virtual function are all representation of polymorphism.
  • Overloading & Overriding
    •  Overloading is when you define two function with same name in same class but distinct signature.
    • Overriding is when you define the function already defined in the parent class with the same signature
  • TODO: What programming experience do you have related to Polymorphism


13.4 Deep copy & Shallow copy                 
Shallow copy only copy the pointer to the data.
Deep copy copies the exact data.
  • TODO: The bug about memcpy in Database Project related to overlay


13.5 Keyword "volatile"                              

  • For compiler, keyword 'volatile' does two things.

  1. Don't cache the value in a temp register. Instead always read the value from memory 
  2. Avoid compiler optimizing the code seemed useless within current scope however may be modified from a outer operation

  • In practice keyword 'volatile' does two things.

  1. For hardware access like interrupt routine
  2. For inter- thread communication

  • C++11

According to the C++11 ISO Standard, the volatile keyword is only meant for use for hardware access; do not use it for inter-thread communication. For inter-thread communication, the standard library provides std::atomic<T> templates.

For multi-thread application programming, volatile doesn't  It does not provide any synchronization, it does not create memory fences, nor does it ensure the order of execution of operations. It does not make operations atomic. It does not make your code magically thread safe
  • TODO: Review CS295 about consistency of multithread programming and hardware arcitecture
  • TODO: Find out about memory fence, atomic operation in this post


13.6 Name Hiding                                  
In C++, when you have a class with an overloaded method, and you then extend and override that method, you must override all of the overloaded 



13.7 Why destructor  virtual                          
The constructor and destructor of a derived class will call all the based classes's corresponding constructor and destructor function. 
If a based class pointer points to a derived class object, the derived class's destructor won't be called if the destructor is not a virtual function.


13.7 Smart Pointer                                    
"Note that after Delete or Free operation, the value of a pointer may not change."
Use a class that contains a pointer to point the wanted block of memory which could avoid memory leak because when a smart point is out of scope the destructor will be called automatically to free the space. Within the class it stores a pointer to point to the block of memory and a integer which stores the reference number that points to this memory.


13.8 Iterator                                                
 C++ uses iterator to give a general way for programmer to access the container. It is a general interface which hides the detail of how to implement. It also provide a way for some common algorithm to be implemented beyond different types of  containers like sort, reverse function.

腾讯电面二面 09.21.2014





我用的是windows7 Code::Blocks 13.12。在运行完test_2后test_3会段错误


腾讯电面 09.17.2014






Thinknear Phone Interview Fulltime 09.15.2014

When I's applying summer intern last, I unintended applied a Thinknear full time position. It's really embarrassed. However it seems that they had record my information because a very nice HR got in touch with me and scheduled a phone interview.

Then I begun to have a look at this company and found that it is a really amazing company. It has a really amazing idea about the the usage of location information. By analysis customers daily data besides with geo location, they perform a refined ads method and do the ads recommendation. Based on such background, it's obvious that Thinknear is a latest technical company related to big data and the cloud. So it is unexpected fit for me.

The phone interview was pretty common. First ask me to talk about what I did in last internship. Then ask some details about how do I read paper to find the idea.
Then ask what's your most interested project and you want to continue in the further. I said is the database project. Then he asked why.

After this we built up a shared google doc and did a algorithm problem. It's a pretty common one. Check if a binary tree is a binary search tree. And asked about the time complexity.

After that it's time to ask him questions and then finished.
Quite great company and quite short an interview.

UPDATED three days later
I always thought that although the algorithm for binary search tree check works, it looks really ugly. When I trying to figure out a elegant way, I suddenly realized that my method was wrong. Here is my code.

class Node {
Node *left, *right;
int value;

bool is_bst(Node *root) {
vector<int> v;
for(int i=1;i<v.size();i++)
return false;
return true;

void preorder_traverse( Node*p,vector<int>&v){
return ;

After wrote down the code, I asked the interviewer that if it is possible to have duplicated items and it it is , is should be placed at left child or right child. The interviewer said there could be and would be placed at left child. So I updated the code like this "if(!v[i-1]<=v[i])". However it was totally wrong.
I think one solution could work.

Let the function bool is_bst ( Node *p, int min, bool min_is_equal, int max, bool max_is_equal) denote that if the subtree whose the root is p is a binary search tree that all the elements in the subtree are bigger than min and smaller then max. The min_is_equal and max_is_equal denote that if it could be equal. Do the check function recursively and update the parameter would work.

[Leetcode Solution] Merge k Sorted Lists


  • This is a problem not hard but interesting. Here we go and have a look.
  • In order to merge k sort lists, there are many solutions.Time complexity analysed based on a simplified situation that that are n lists and each of them contains m elements.
    • The first one came into mind is do it just like how to merge two lists in the merge sort. Each time compare the current element of all the lists. Find out the smallest one and insert it into result list. However this solution could be really slow because it is O(m^(n*m)) time complexity.
    • Another solution is each time merge two lists, and then merge the result list with another one until no list. If so the time complexity is O(n*n*m). However if use binary merge that first we merge all the original lists into n/2 lists and then merge these n/2 lists into n/4 and so forth until only one list left. This could be more efficient.
    • One straightforward solution is just store all the elements in a vector, and then sort them. It's simple but works with O((n*m)*log(n*m)).
    • A good solution in theoretical perspective is that we can maintain a priority queue with m elements. Each time we pop up the smallest element in the priority queue in O(1) time and then push in the element which is the next node of the popped one in O(log(m)) time. The overall time complexity is O((n*m)*log(m)). It should be faster then the above algorithm however in fact it is a little slower then the above one which may because it has a bigger coefficient.


  • The signature of priority_queue constructor in C++ STL found here

  • The difference between comparison parameter for priority_queue and for sort found here

  • operator () found here
  • const qualifier found here


[Leetcode Solution] Swap Nodes in Pairs


  • Each time swap the following two nodes



[Leetcode Solution] Reverse Nodes in k-Group


  • Each time reverse one group of nodes
    • Use pre_last denote the last node of previous group
    • Use cur_first denote the first node of current group
    • Each time after reversing, make pre_last->next=cur_first
  • Adding a auxiliary node ahead of the head to avoid the specific situation of the first node



[Leetcode Solution] Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array




[Leetcode Solution] Remove Element


  • Use two pointers. One points to the current element. The other points to the current position where to store the next unique element.



[Leetcode Solution] Implement strStr()




[Leetcode Solution] Substring with Concatenation of All Words


  • Brutal force search



[Leetcode Solution] Next Permutation


Let's consider a simpler situation. Given n integers [1..n] and a permutation generated by these n integers. How to find the next permutation.

It seems easy right. If we treat the permutation as a integer number, our purpose is to increase value of this number to the nearest one by reorder the integers.

Say the permutation is like this [a(1),a(2),...,a(n)]. if i<j and a(i) < a(j). If we swap ai and aj the value of permutation will increase. In order to get the nearest bigger number, we would like to increase a bit in least significant bit by swap it with a bit at more least significant direction. So the solution is find the first a(i) that there is an a(j) that a(i) < a(j) and i<j. After that we swap the value of a(i) and a(j) then resort the integers from a(i+1) to a(n) in order to change it to the smallest one.

Now consider the given scenario. There are different integers in the permutation and duplicates.
  • First we can just treat different integers as the sequence of 1 .. n because they share the same order. Only order makes a difference rather then the value.
  • Second if duplicates exist, we will only update the part which finds the first a(i).



[Leetcode Solution] Longest Valid Parentheses



Use a stack  to store the previous information. Iterate the input string.
  • If string[i] == '(', push it back to the stack and store the position of '('
  • If string[i] == ')' then pop the last element in the stack and calculate the length of the substring formed by these ')' and '(' based on the position information stored before.
The tricky is, if a test case exists like this
          "( ) ( )"
the above solution will get two parentheses pairs whose length is 2 for each but cannot sum up them together.

So the solution is adding another pointer 'start' which used to store the start position of a entire valid paired sub string. Because we know that the sub string will become invalid if the number of ')' is larger then '(' when we iterate from left to right. So as long as the number of ')' is not larger then '(', the sub string is still valid and it could be formed as a entire paired sub string.
  •  Thus we will only reset the 'start' pointer when stack is empty and the current char is ')'.
  • When we calculate the length of sub string, if the stack is empty, we should use the 'start' as the start position rather then the position information stored in the stack.



[Leetcode Solution] Count and Say




[Leetcode Solution]Combination Sum II


  • DFS



[Leetcode Solution]Combination Sum


  • DFS



[Leetcode Solution]First Missing Positive


  • Iterate elements in the array. Put each element at the corresponding position just like bucket sort
  • Then check which positive integer is missing



[Leetcode Solution] Trapping Rain Water


  • The volume of water can be trapped above one point depends on the highest integers in its bi-directions.
  • Use three passes. First find out the left side highest integer of each node, second find out the right side. Last compute the volume of water trapped at each node



[Leetcode Solution] Multiply Strings


  • Similar with string addition
  • Iterate each digit in num1 and num2, multiply them and store the result at correct position



[Leetcode Solution] Wildcard Matching



  • Directly use DFS of course ETL
  • Use DP also ETL
    • f[i][j]=f[i-1][j-1](a[i]==b[j] || b[j]=='?')
      • or
    • f[i][j]=f[k][j-1](i<=k<=a.size())(b[j]=='*')

  • PRUNING ONE: Knowing that if there are multiple consecutive * in the string b, then eliminate them and remain one * is ok. This pruning passes all the testcases except for the last one.

  • PRUNING TWO: Another pruning comes up with this post. Here let me show the details about this.
Let f(p,q) denote if a[0..p] matches b[0..q]. Then our task is to find out the value of f(a.size,b.size()). The searching procedure of finding the answer is a tree structure like this.
Each node(p,q) will have one child if b[q]=='?' or a[p]==b[q], or multi children if b[q]=='*'. ( In the figure we can see that node(p,q) has multi children while node(p,q+1) has one child).
The subtle trick is if we reached the node say (p+2+2,q+1+2) then there is no need to search upper layer's nodes which circled by a dotted line. This can be proved by contradiction in following figure.
Let two lines denote the two strings a and b. Here b[q]=='*'. And we do the search to the q+1+t. Then we can know there is no need to do the remained search at q. Because if there is a possible solution from the remaining cases, there must be also a possible solution at the current scenario. Because the second '*' can fill the gap between A and B in above figure.
  • PRUNING THREE. after two pruning above the program still is blocked at the last test case. So the last pruning comes that let aux(k) denote the number of alphabet in b[k..end]. If a search node(p,q) which a.size() - p < aux(q) then we know there won't be a solution from this point.

